深入理解浏览器event loop
浏览器要做非常多的事情:解析html、渲染、用户交互(如点击)、网络请求等,它使用event loop来统一协调这些事务。每个agent(如window, web worker, service worker)都有一个event loop。
每个event loop都有一个或多个task queue, 它是task的集合(set of tasks)。每个task queue和一个或多个task source相关联,因为task来自于某个task source。
Essentially, task sources are used within standards to separate logically-different types of tasks, which a user agent might wish to distinguish between. Task queues are used by user agents to coalesce task sources within a given event loop.
For example, a user agent could have one task queue for mouse and key events (to which the user interaction task source is associated), and another to which all other task sources are associated. Then, using the freedom granted in the initial step of the event loop processing model, it could give keyboard and mouse events preference over other tasks three-quarters of the time, keeping the interface responsive but not starving other task queues. Note that in this setup, the processing model still enforces that the user agent would never process events from any one task source out of order.
The DOM manipulation task source
This task source is used for features that react to DOM manipulations, such as things that happen in a non-blocking fashion when an element is inserted into the document.
The user interaction task source
This task source is used for features that react to user interaction, for example keyboard or mouse input.
The networking task source
This task source is used for features that trigger in response to network activity
The history traversal task
This task source is used to queue calls to history.back() and similar APIs.
每个event loop有一个当前执行任务(currently running task),可能是null。
每个event loop还有一个微任务队列(microtask queue),初始为空。
任务入队(Queueing tasks or microtasks)
浏览器主线程(main thread)只是负责不停地从任务队列中取出任务来执行,我们可以假设是其他线程将任务放入队列的。

具体来说,每次任务迭代(event iteration OR “frame“)包含如下步骤:
从taskQueue中取出第一个可执行任务(first runnable task),我们称之为oldestTask,将其移出队列
将当前运行任务(currently running task)设为oldestTask
处理微任务(microTasks),反复执行如下步骤,直到微任务队列(microTask queue)为空:
- 从微任务队列中取出一个任务,设为oldestMicroTask
- 将当前运行任务置为oldestMicroTask
- 运行oldestMicroTask
- 将当前运行任务置为null
更新渲染:如果当前是一个window event loop(worker event loop没有这一步)
- 当前有没有渲染机会(rendering opportunity)
- 当前有没有必要进行渲染
This specification does not mandate any particular model for selecting rendering opportunities. But for example, if the browser is attempting to achieve a 60Hz refresh rate, then rendering opportunities occur at a maximum of every 60th of a second (about 16.7ms). If the browser finds that a browsing context is not able to sustain this rate, it might drop to a more sustainable 30 rendering opportunities per second for that browsing context, rather than occasionally dropping frames. Similarly, if a browsing context is not visible, the user agent might decide to drop that page to a much slower 4 rendering opportunities per second, or even less.
The step labeled Rendering opportunities prevents the user agent from updating the rendering when it is unable to present new content to the user (there’s no rendering opportunity). The step labeled Unnecessary rendering prevents the user agent from updating the rendering when there’s no new content to draw.This step enables the user agent to prevent the steps below from running for other reasons, for example, to ensure certain tasks are executed immediately after each other, with only microtask checkpoints interleaved (and without, e.g., animation frame callbacks interleaved). Concretely, a user agent might wish to coalesce timer callbacks together, with no intermediate rendering updates.
- 触发窗口的resize事件(如果有的话)
- 触发窗口的scroll事件(如果有的话)
- 执行所有requestAnimationFrame的callbacks
- 更新页面UI的渲染(我们平时所指的rendering)
既然event loop的每次任务迭代(task iteration)时渲染不一定会执行,所以ref也不一定会执行。
- 当前event loop是一个window event loop
- 任务队列为空
- 微任务队列为空
- hasARenderingOpportunity为false