WebGL coordinates tips
Fragment shader only accepts a normalized and left-handed cube. Each axis begins from
and any contents out of it will be cut out. As to lefted-handed, it means positive z axis points into the screen and points with bigger z will be in the back of points with smaller z.
So it is the vertex shader’s responsibility to output positions within this normalized cube with any way.
We(vertex shader) usually take 4 steps to output this normalized cube:
modeling in local coordinate system
transformation with model matrix(
) to get positions in world coordinatesset up the camara with view matrix(
) to get positions in view coordinateprojection(orthogonal or perspective) with projection matrix(
setOrtho(), setPerspective()
) to get positions in clipping coordinate(i.e. the normalized cube)For step 1 ~ step 3, we use right-handed coordinate in general. In step 4, positions are transformed from right-handed to left-handed clipping coordinate. From now on, WebGL takes in charge. It maps positions in the normalized cube(positions out of it will be cut out) to the cavans, using z-value(usually be re-mapped from (-1, 1) to (0, 1), i.e. 0 represents the device’s screen) for depth test: